
Getting Started

You’re interested in getting a job in customer service. This page will show you what education you’ll need, the training resources to support your goal and guidance on where and who to apply to.

Find Customer Service Jobs

What education will you need?

Depending on the specific customer service field that you would like to enter you could need to have a high school diploma or an equivalent. Also if you’re interested in computer-based customer service roles then you’ll need to have experience or training in basic computer skills and have good written and verbal communication. The smaller list of requirements for a customer service position makes it a very accessible role to start your career with. As you progress in your career, you could receive additional training to move into management and beyond.

Who can help you get started?

While entering the customer service field usually comes with on the job training that is specific to the software and needs of the company you’re employed by, there are still outside training options available. Finding the right in person or online training is a great way to prepare for a successful and upwardly mobile customer service career.

The right in-person training or online group training program will give hands-on training, career support, and a great resource for networking. If you don’t have time for a full-fledged program, there are shorter online courses available as well. Below you’ll find a couple of training program recommendations:

Employers in this space

YearUp-  YearUp brings talented young adults and top companies together to launch careers, power businesses, and build community. Students can sign up for hands-on training, the opportunity to get real-world experience, and alumni support to help them find their first step in their customer service or support career.

Online Classes & Training Programs

There are multiple online training programs available for free. These shorter courses are great for busy professionals who need to take the course at their own pace. Companies such as Hubspot, Alison, Service Strategies, and GoSkills have respected programs for professionals to take advantage of.

Who’s hiring?

Now that you’re ready to get into the industrial industry, it’s time to start your job search. Check out a couple of the most in-demand job titles available in the field today: